#33. Checkerboard


Following documentation is a cooperative result combined from our Discord chat. Thanks to everyone who helped!


This image was produced from the thirty-third radio transmission using previously contributed code.


Draws a checkerboard of the specified size.


checkerboard = ap ap s ap ap b s ap ap c ap ap b c ap ap b ap c ap c ap ap s ap ap b s ap ap b ap b ap ap s i i lt eq ap ap s mul i nil ap ap s ap ap b s ap ap b ap b cons ap ap s ap ap b s ap ap b ap b cons ap c div ap c ap ap s ap ap b b ap ap c ap ap b b add neg ap ap b ap s mul div ap ap c ap ap b b checkerboard ap ap c add 2
ap ap checkerboard 7 0   =   |picture1|
ap ap checkerboard 13 0   =   |picture2|