#17. Function Application¶
Following documentation is a cooperative result combined from our Discord chat. Thanks to everyone who helped!
This image was produced from the seventeenth radio transmission using previously contributed code.

ap f x
is f(x)
The last two lines demonstrate that function application ap allows curried (i.e. partially evaluated) functions, by defining inc as the function x -> 1 + x.
ap inc ap inc 0 = 2
ap inc ap inc ap inc 0 = 3
ap inc ap dec x0 = x0
ap dec ap inc x0 = x0
ap dec ap ap add x0 1 = x0
ap ap add ap ap add 2 3 4 = 9
ap ap add 2 ap ap add 3 4 = 9
ap ap add ap ap mul 2 3 4 = 10
ap ap mul 2 ap ap add 3 4 = 14
inc = ap add 1
dec = ap add ap neg 1