#3. Negative Numbers¶
If you have any ideas or enhancements for this page, please edit it on GitHub!
Following documentation is a cooperative result combined from our Discord chat and numerous pull requests. Thanks to everyone who helped!
This image was produced from the third radio transmission using previously contributed code.

This partly annotated version of the image was made using code from message #2.
Contributed by Discord user @pink_snow.
Looks like the bottom left additional pixel is used to indicate negative numbers.
4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
-510 -511 -512 -513 -514
-65535 -65536 -65537
Revised version of the Python code that supports negative numbers is published on the message #2 page.
Contributed by Discord user @pink_snow.
Example output:
@pink_snow also provided a Haskell version of the same code.
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
-- Usage: ./annotate.hs in-msg.png out-annotated.svg out-decoded.txt
#! nix-shell -i runhaskell -p
#! nix-shell "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [JuicyPixels JuicyPixels-util errors extra groupBy])"
#! nix-shell -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/5cb5ccb54229efd9a4cd1fccc0f43e0bbed81c5d.tar.gz
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Error.Safe (justZ)
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, guard)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, sortOn)
import Data.List.Extra (replace)
import Data.List.GroupBy (groupBy)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Numeric (showHex)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Codec.Picture as P
import qualified Codec.Picture.RGBA8 as P8
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V
-- Types
type Scale = Int
type Coord = (Int, Int)
type Size = (Int, Int)
data Img = Img (P.Image P.PixelRGBA8) Scale
data Symbol
= SymNumber Integer
| SymModulatedNumber Integer
| SymOperator Integer
| SymVariable Integer
| SymEllipsis
| SymSpecial String
| SymBox Int Int Integer
| SymUnknown
-- Misc functions
range2d :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
range2d x0 y0 x1 y1 = [(x', y') | y' <- [y0 .. y1], x' <- [x0 .. x1]]
none :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
none = (not .) . any
bitsToInteger :: [Bool] -> Integer
bitsToInteger = fst . foldl' f (0, 1)
f (sum, bit) True = (sum + bit, bit*2)
f (sum, bit) False = (sum, bit*2)
groupAcc :: (a -> s) -> (s -> a -> Maybe s) -> [a] -> [(s, [a])]
groupAcc init f = groupAcc1'
groupAcc1' [] = []
groupAcc1' (x:xs) = takeGroup (init x) [x] xs
takeGroup state group [] = [(state, reverse group)]
takeGroup state group (y:ys) = case f state y of
Nothing -> (state, reverse group) : groupAcc1' (y:ys)
Just state' -> takeGroup state' (y : group) ys
-- Img
imgLoad :: FilePath -> Scale -> IO Img
imgLoad path scale = (\img -> Img img scale) <$> P8.readImageRGBA8 path
imgWidth :: Img -> Int
imgWidth (Img img scale) = P.imageWidth img `div` scale
imgHeight :: Img -> Int
imgHeight (Img img scale) = P.imageHeight img `div` scale
imgPixel :: Img -> Coord -> Bool
imgPixel (Img img scale) (x, y) = True
&& x' >= 0 && y' >= 0
&& x' < P.imageWidth img && y' < P.imageHeight img
&& fromIntegral r + fromIntegral g + fromIntegral b > (0::Word16)
(x', y') = (x * scale, y * scale)
P.PixelRGBA8 r g b _ = P.pixelAt img x' y'
imgShow :: Img -> [Int] -> [Int] -> String
imgShow img xs ys = unlines $ map showLine ys
where showLine y = map (\x -> if imgPixel img (x, y) then '#' else '.') xs
imgShowFull :: Img -> String
imgShowFull img = imgShow img [0 .. imgWidth img - 1] [0 .. imgHeight img - 1]
instance Show Img where
show = imgShowFull
imgAllPixels :: Img -> [Coord]
imgAllPixels img = range2d 0 0 (imgWidth img - 1) (imgHeight img - 1)
-- Symbol decoder
symDecode :: Img -> Coord -> Size -> Symbol
symDecode img (x, y) (w, h)
| checkSymbol img symGalaxy (x, y) = SymSpecial "galaxy"
| checkSymbol img symHuman (x, y) = SymSpecial "human"
| checkSymbol img symSpacecraft (x, y) = SymSpecial "spacecraft"
| isNonNegativeNumber = SymNumber value
| isNegativeNumber = SymNumber (-value)
| isModulatedNumber = SymModulatedNumber modulatedValue
| isVariable = SymVariable varValue
| isOperator = SymOperator value
| isBox = SymBox (w-2) (h-2) boxValue
| isEllipsis = SymEllipsis
| checkSymbol img symOpenPar (x-1, y-1) = SymSpecial "("
| checkSymbol img symClosePar (x-1, y-1) = SymSpecial ")"
| checkSymbol img symPipe (x-1, y-1) = SymSpecial ","
| otherwise = SymUnknown
size = w
px (x', y') = imgPixel img (x + x', y + y')
isNonNegativeNumber = True
&& w == h
&& not (px (0, 0))
isNegativeNumber = True
&& size >= 2
&& w + 1 == h
&& not (px (0, 0))
&& px (0, size)
&& none px [(x', size) | x' <- [1 .. size-1]] -- bottom + 1 is empty
isOperator = True
&& w == h
&& px (0, 0)
isVariable = True
&& size >= 4
&& w == h
&& size >= 4
&& px (1, 1)
&& all px [(x', size-1) | x' <- [0 .. size-1]] -- bottom is full
&& all px [(size-1, y') | y' <- [0 .. size-1]] -- right is full
&& none px [(x', 1) | x' <- [2 .. size-2]] -- top + 1 is empty
&& none px [(1, y') | y' <- [2 .. size-2]] -- left + 1 is empty
isBox = True
&& not (px (0, 0))
&& not (px (w-1, 0))
&& not (px (0, h-1))
&& not (px (w-1, h-1))
&& all px [(x', h-1) | x' <- [1 .. w-2]] -- bottom is full
&& all px [(w-1, y') | y' <- [1 .. h-2]] -- right is full
isEllipsis = checkSymbol img symEllipsis (x-1, y-1)
isModulatedNonNeg = checkSymbol img symModulatedNonNeg (x, y)
isModulatedNeg = checkSymbol img symModulatedNeg (x, y)
isModulatedNumber = isModulatedNonNeg || isModulatedNeg
value = bitsToInteger $ map px $ range2d 1 1 (size-1) (size-1)
varValue = bitsToInteger $ map (not . px) $ range2d 2 2 (size-2) (size-2)
boxValue = bitsToInteger $ map px $ range2d 1 1 (w-2) (h-2)
modulatedSign = if isModulatedNonNeg then 1 else (-1)
modulatedNibbleCount = length $ takeWhile (\x -> px (x, 0)) [2 ..]
modulatedBits = map (\x -> px (x, 0)) $
take (4 * modulatedNibbleCount) [(3 + modulatedNibbleCount) ..]
modulatedValue = modulatedSign * (foldl (\acc bit -> (2 * acc) + if bit then 1 else 0) 0 modulatedBits)
symDetectAll :: Img -> [(Coord, Size)]
symDetectAll img = runST $ do
vec <- V.replicate (width * height) False
fmap catMaybes $ forM validRange $ \(x, y) -> runMaybeT $ do
guard =<< not <$> V.read vec (idx (x, y))
(w, h) <- justZ $ symDetectSingle img (x, y)
lift $ forM_ (range2d x y (x+w-1) (y+h-1)) $ flip (V.write vec) True . idx
return ((x, y), (w, h))
(width, height) = (imgWidth &&& imgHeight) img
validRange = range2d 2 2 (width - 3) (height - 3)
idx (x, y) = x + y * width
symDetectSingle :: Img -> Coord -> Maybe Size
symDetectSingle img (x, y)
| checkSymbol img symModulatedNonNeg (x, y) = Just (modulatedWidth, 2)
| checkSymbol img symModulatedNeg (x, y) = Just (modulatedWidth, 2)
| px 1 0 && px 0 1 && nothingBelow = Just (gridWidth + 1, gridHeight + 1)
| not (px 0 0) && px 1 0 && px 0 1 && isBox = Just (gridWidth + 2, gridHeight + 2)
| checkSymbol img symEllipsis (x-1, y-1) = Just (7, 1)
| checkSymbol img symOpenPar (x-1, y-1) = Just (3, 5)
| checkSymbol img symClosePar (x-1, y-1) = Just (3, 5)
| checkSymbol img symPipe (x-1, y-1) = Just (2, 5)
| checkSymbol img symGalaxy (x, y) = Just (7, 7)
| checkSymbol img symHuman (x, y) = Just (7, 7)
| checkSymbol img symSpacecraft (x, y) = Just (7, 7)
| otherwise = Nothing
px x' y' = imgPixel img (x + x', y + y')
gridWidth = length $ takeWhile (flip px 0) [1 ..]
gridHeight = length $ takeWhile (px 0) [1 ..]
modulatedWidth = length $ takeWhile (\x -> px x 0 || px x 1) [0 ..]
nothingBelow = none (\x -> px x (gridHeight+1)) [0..gridWidth]
isBox = all (\i -> px (gridWidth+1) i) [1..gridHeight-1]
symEllipsis :: [[Bool]]
symEllipsis = map (map (=='#'))
[ "........."
, ".#.#.#.#."
, "........."
symModulatedNonNeg :: [[Bool]]
symModulatedNonNeg = map (map (=='#'))
[ ".#"
, "#."
, "."
symModulatedNeg :: [[Bool]]
symModulatedNeg = map (map (=='#'))
[ "#."
, ".#"
symOpenPar :: [[Bool]]
symOpenPar = map (map (=='#'))
[ "....."
, "...#."
, "..##."
, ".###."
, "..##."
, "...#."
, "....."
symClosePar :: [[Bool]]
symClosePar = map (map (=='#'))
[ "....."
, ".#.."
, ".##."
, ".###"
, ".##."
, ".#.."
, "...."
symPipe :: [[Bool]]
symPipe = map (map (=='#'))
[ "...."
, ".##."
, ".##."
, ".##."
, ".##."
, ".##."
, "...."
symGalaxy :: [[Bool]]
symGalaxy = map (map (=='#'))
[ "..###.."
, ".....#."
, ".###..#"
, "#.#.#.#"
, "#..###."
, " #....."
, "..###.."
symHuman :: [[Bool]]
symHuman = map (map (=='#'))
[ "..#.#.."
, "..#.#.."
, "..###.."
, "..###.."
, "..###.."
, "#######"
, "...#..."
symSpacecraft :: [[Bool]]
symSpacecraft = map (map (=='#'))
[ "...#..."
, ".#####."
, ".#...#."
, "##...##"
, "##.#.##"
, ".#####."
, "#.#.#.#"
checkLine :: Img -> [Bool] -> Coord -> Bool
checkLine _ [] _ = True
checkLine img (h:t) (x, y) = (imgPixel img (x, y) == h) && checkLine img t (x+1, y)
checkSymbol :: Img -> [[Bool]] -> Coord -> Bool
checkSymbol _ [] _ = True
checkSymbol img (h:t) (x, y) = checkLine img h (x, y) && checkSymbol img t (x, y+1)
-- svg
svg :: Img -> [(Coord, Size, String, String)] -> String
svg img annotations =
concat (
svgHead img ++
svgImgPoints img ++
concatMap (\(coord, size, text, color) -> svgAnnotation coord size text color) annotations ++
svgHead :: Img -> [String]
svgHead img = [
"<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' version='1.1' width='",
show $ 1 + imgWidth img * 8,
"' height='",
show $ 1 + imgHeight img * 8,
"<rect width='100%' height='100%' style='fill:black'/>\n"
svgPoint :: Coord -> Bool -> [String]
svgPoint (x, y) value = [
"<rect x='", show (1 + x*8),
"' y='", show (1 + y*8),
"' width='7' height='7' style='fill:",
if value then "white" else "#333333",
svgImgPoints :: Img -> [String]
svgImgPoints img =
concatMap (\coord -> svgPoint coord (imgPixel img coord)) $ imgAllPixels img
svgAnnotation :: Coord -> Size -> String -> String -> [String]
svgAnnotation (x, y) (w, h) text color = [
"<rect x='", show (1 + x*8 - 6),
"' y='", show (1 + y*8 - 6),
"' width='", show (w*8 + 11),
"' height='", show (h*8 + 11),
"' style='fill:", color, ";opacity:0.5'/>\n",
"<text x='", show (1 + x*8 + w*4),
"' y='", show (1 + y*8 + h*4),
"' dominant-baseline='middle' text-anchor='middle' fill='white' style='",
"paint-order: stroke; fill: white; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2px; font:24px bold sans;",
"'>", text', "</text>\n"
where text' = replace "<" "<" text
-- Main
annotateImg :: Img -> String
annotateImg img = id
$ svg img
$ map (symRepr' img)
$ symDetectAll img
decodeImg :: Img -> String
decodeImg img = id
$ unlines
$ map (intercalate " ") -- join groups
$ map (map (intercalate " ")) -- join items inside each group
$ map (map (map (\(_, _, text, _) -> text)))
$ map (groupBy (\a b -> xRight a >= xLeft b - 2)) -- split by horisontal groups
$ splitByLines
$ map (symRepr' img)
$ symDetectAll img
xLeft ((x, _), _, _, _) = x
xRight ((x, _), (w, _), _, _) = x + w
splitByLines :: [(Coord, Size, a, b)] -> [[(Coord, Size, a, b)]]
splitByLines = id
. map (sortOn (\((x, _), _, _, _) -> x))
. map concat
. map (map snd . snd) -- drop accumulators from both groupAcc's
. groupAcc fst (\s x -> addRanges s (fst x))
. groupAcc yRange (\s x -> addRanges s (yRange x))
yRange ((_, y), (_, h), _, _) = (y, y+h)
addRanges (a0, a1) (b0, b1)
| b0 <= a0 && a0 <= b1 = Just (b0, max a1 b1)
| a0 <= b0 && b0 <= a1 = Just (a0, max a1 b1)
| otherwise = Nothing
symRepr :: Symbol -> (String, String)
symRepr SymUnknown = ("?", "gray")
symRepr (SymSpecial x) = (x, "gray")
symRepr SymEllipsis = ("...", "gray")
symRepr (SymNumber val) = (show val, "green")
symRepr (SymModulatedNumber val) = ("[" ++ show val ++ "]", "purple")
symRepr (SymOperator val) = (text, "yellow")
text = fromMaybe (':' : show val) $ lookup val ops
ops = [ (0, "ap")
, (12, "=")
-- constants
, (2, "t")
, (8, "f")
-- unary operators
, (401, "dec")
, (417, "inc")
, (170, "mod")
, (341, "dem")
-- binary operators
, (40, "div")
, (146, "mul")
, (365, "add")
-- comparisons
, (416, "lt")
, (448, "eq")
symRepr (SymBox w h val) = ('#' : show w ++ ":" ++ show h ++ ":" ++ showHex val "", "orange")
symRepr (SymVariable val) = ('x' : show val, "blue")
symRepr' :: Img -> (Coord, Size) -> (Coord, Size, String, String)
symRepr' img (coord, size) =
(coord, size, text, color)
where (text, color) = symRepr $ symDecode img coord size
main :: IO ()
main = do
[fnameIn, fnameSvg, fnameTxt] <- getArgs
img <- imgLoad fnameIn 4
writeFile fnameSvg $ annotateImg img
writeFile fnameTxt $ decodeImg img