Alien Proxy Protocol

Alien Proxy allows you to send requests to the spacecraft in orbit using our antenna.

It’s a simple HTTP server.

Send a Request to Spacecraft

Pass modulated string in the request body with a Content-Type: text/plain HTTP header.

Relative URL: /aliens/send

Sample request:

POST /aliens/send HTTP/1.1


Possible Responses

200 OK

You will get this response if the spacecraft responds fast enough.

Response body will contain modulated spacecraft response with a Content-Type: text/plain HTTP header.

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


302 Found

You will get this response if the spacecraft doesn’t respond fast enough.

If the spacecraft doesn’t respond fast enough we return 302 Found status code. The Location response HTTP header will contain an URL where you can ask for the response again later. In fact, this header will always contain /aliens/{responseId}. It’s a long-polling protocol, so you can make a new request to this location immediately after you got it. Many HTTP client implementations, e.g. C#’s HttpClient, can follow redirects automatically, so you don’t deal with this.

Sample response:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /aliens/75960227-653C-47E3-A47A-118A46AFFD4C

Get a Response From Spacecraft

Use this to get a response to the request you have sent earlier, in case the spacecraft didn’t respond fast enough.

Relative URL: /aliens/{responseId}

Possible responses are the same as in /aliens/send.